Author: clintness

Fish Fraud: This One Simple Tip Can Save You Money and Major Bathroom Woes

Fish fraud is not exactly a new phenomenon. Unscrupulous sellers have been mislabeling fish using the old bait and switch scam since time immemorial, fooling consumers into believing they’re buying a premium fillet when they’re actually being sold a cheap impostor. Mind you, that cheap impostor might actually taste good. And it might also induce explosive diarrhea. Here’s how to prevent that from happening to you.

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UN Millenium Summit: Laudable Goals, Confusing Numbers

Sitting in on the fourth edition of an event serving as a yearly check-in to see how the United Nation’s 8 Millennium Goals are coming along, I spent last Thursday listening to what Montreal Millennium Summit speakers had to say about poverty and climate change. And in all honesty, the experience left me more confused about international aid than before I had attended the Summit.

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