Category: Portfolio World

UN Millenium Summit: Laudable Goals, Confusing Numbers

Sitting in on the fourth edition of an event serving as a yearly check-in to see how the United Nation’s 8 Millennium Goals are coming along, I spent last Thursday listening to what Montreal Millennium Summit speakers had to say about poverty and climate change. And in all honesty, the experience left me more confused about international aid than before I had attended the Summit.

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Tall as the Baobab Tree: The Economics of Child Marriage

To many a Westerner, child marriage seems outrageous, unacceptable, a clear moral and ethical no no. The United Nations refers to the practice as a fundamental human rights violation. And just yesterday came word via The Telegraph that girls wed before the age of 10 in Iran have doubled in the span of a year. But in other parts of the world, the issue of child marriage is not so cut and dry.

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